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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
(+507) 263-0200

COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

What is Bruxism and what causes?

Bruxism is a disorder characterized by involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth, which can occur both during the day and at night.

Generally, the first signs to identify the appearance of bruxism occur at home, either because another person notices them and is even affected by this involuntary habit, or because the patient begins to observe some of the characteristic symptoms himself.

Bruxism in Panama

At the time of approaching it, your specialist will try to inquire about the causes of your Bruxism knowing that the treatment is fundamentally preventive. In many cases, especially in children, it usually disappears without the need for intervention.

For more serious cases in which permanent damage must be prevented, there is a type of prosthesis called a "discharge splint", a piece of resin that is made from a mold of the patient's teeth and must be placed in his mouth at bedtime. It is also possible that the case warrants the placement of dental prostheses if there is a marked dental wear.

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Symptoms of Bruxism

Despite knowing what it is and the possible origin of bruxism in Panama, its condition may go unnoticed in some mild cases. Among the symptoms that are indicative of this condition, they may refer:


Obvious manifestation of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, tension or stress.


Tapping or gnashing of teeth, sometimes so loud that it can be perceived and even wake up another person sleeping with you.


Feeling of stiffness and pain in the jaw.


Wear on teeth or pieces that come loose for no apparent reason.


Headache or ear pain.




Dental hypersensitivity.

Bruxism Treatment

Bruxism treatment

The onset of bruxism can begin so mildly that it can be difficult to diagnose; However, as it progresses progressively, it can have a significant impact on the daily life of those who suffer from it.

When examining it, Dr. Trejos will try to investigate a little about the causes of this involuntary habit, knowing that the treatment is fundamentally preventive and that it must be conditioned to the type of bruxism (daytime, nocturnal or mixed) that the patient presents. In many cases, especially in children, it usually disappears without the need for intervention.

For more serious cases in which permanent damage must be prevented and jaw pain minimized, there is a type of prosthesis called a “discharge splint”, a piece of resin that is made from a mold of the patient's teeth, which you should place in your mouth at bedtime. It is also possible that the case warrants the placement of dental prostheses if there is marked dental wear.

Recommendations against Bruxism

While these alternatives help manage the problem, they do not eliminate it. In that sense, some medications (muscle relaxants, anxiolytics), dental treatments, relaxation therapies and other alternative medicine options are very efficient resources that should always be referred by a specialist. Additional recommendations that can be offered to a patient with bruxism include:


Application of cold-heat therapy to the jaw muscles. In addition to benefiting circulation, it helps minimize jaw pain and reduces inflammation.


Avoid the consumption of hard foods, sweets and stimulating substances (coffee, energy drinks or others), especially at night.


Increase water consumption as much as possible.


Try to rest relaxed, with enough hours of sleep; minimize stress, learn relaxation techniques, exercise and, where possible, adjust your lifestyle so that changes in your behavior are reflected in a peaceful and restful rest.

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Treatment for Bruxism

Types of bruxism

There are different types of bruxism, each with its distinctive characteristics. Among them we can mention:


Central bruxism (Daytime)

Daytime bruxism is characterized by involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth during the day. It is generally related to stress, anxiety and emotional tension.


Eccentric bruxism (Nocturnal)

In this case, bruxism manifests itself mainly at night, while the person sleeps. During nocturnal bruxism, involuntary movement of the upper and lower teeth to the sides (or back and forth) occurs. This is usually mainly associated with sleep disorders such as apnea.


Mixed bruxism (Day and Night)

This type of bruxism combines the symptoms of centric and eccentric bruxism; Therefore, teeth grinding or clenching may occur both during the day and at night.

Factors riesgo

Regarding the risk factors for the appearance of bruxism, some of the most common are:


Stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety are triggers of bruxism. People who experience high levels of stress or suffer from anxiety are more likely to develop bruxism. Bruxism can be an unconscious way of releasing accumulated tension.


Dental malocclusions: Malocclusions (wrong bite or dental misalignment) can contribute to the development of bruxism. When teeth do not fit together correctly, there is a greater chance of teeth grinding and clenching.


Life habits: Some lifestyle habits, such as smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, can increase the risk of developing bruxism.


Sleep disorders: Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, may be related to bruxism. People who have difficulty sleeping or experience frequent sleep interruptions are more likely to experience episodes of bruxism.

Bruxism Prevention

Do you feel jaw pain or are your teeth worn down? 

Do not wait more! Consult Dr. Trejos (bruxism specialist) and find immediate relief.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bruxism

What effects does bruxism have on our teeth?

In addition to the obvious wear that is progressively produced on the surface by the friction of the teeth; the enamel near the gums also deteriorates and leads to episodes of sensitivity.

Also, over time it can cause alterations in the muscles of the face or an involvement of the temporomandibular joint.

What are the causes of bruxism?

Stress and anxiety are the main causes associated with this disease; However, up to now there is no evidence to confirm this and particularly in the case of children, there are many reservations about it.

Is it possible to completely correct and cure bruxism?

Starting from the fact that its cause of origin is not known for sure, it is very difficult to apply a cure, orienting its treatment to a palliative approach rather than a curative one. 

Even so, in many cases bruxism occurs on its own, lasts for a while and finally disappears in the same way it started without the need for any treatment.

What are discharge splints and what are they for?

They are a kind of custom made plastic prostheses that fulfill a double function:

  • On the one hand, they help absorb pressure; making it soften as the treatment time elapses.
  • On the other hand, it avoids wear thanks to the synthetic material with which they are made, which produces less shock and better adaptability.
What is sleep bruxism?

It is how the most common variant of bruxism among children and adolescents is recognized; which obviously centers the grinding of teeth during the hours of the night rest.

In addition to this, it is very common for the patient himself to understand and perceive his involuntary action; What is not so easy is to recognize the force applied to your teeth at the moment of friction.

What are the most common symptoms of a bruxist?
  • Headache.
  • Earache.
  • Muscle discomfort in the neck and / or face.
  • Dental wear
Are you likely to suffer from bruxism and not know it?

It is very likely yes.

There are many cases of bruxists who do not identify their condition until the moment they share a bed with someone or their dentist begins to see evidence of wear; So it is always convenient to keep your check-up visit with the specialist as an unavoidable commitment.

How can childhood bruxism be prevented?

As we have already indicated before, it is not possible to speak of a magic cure even when there are treatments that are really flattering; however, prevention is always an important element in this equation.

That is why, among others, it is advisable to anticipate the child at bedtime, give him a massage or apply another relaxation technique, a night bath, control excess screens and limit food consumption within minutes of going to school. bed, among others.

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