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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
(+507) 263-0200

COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

Dental Diastema

It is a condition that does not occur only during childhood.

When we talk about separated teeth or diastemas, it is possible that the image of a child within his environment that presents these spaces of separation between one tooth and another may cross his mind. However, it is a condition that does not only occur during childhood but also with the appearance of permanent dentition, which is maintained throughout adulthood.

Dental Diastema

Causes of Dental Diastema

Dental gap, also known as gapping, is a condition in which there is a visible space between two or more teeth. The causes of dental diastema are diverse and may be related to physiological factors (shape and size of teeth and jaw), as well as genetic and hereditary factors. Here we will mention some of the most common:


Dental gap can be caused by genetics, as some people have a larger gap between their teeth due to hereditary traits.


An overbite causes the teeth to not fit together correctly and this can cause a visible gap between them.

Crowded teeth

Crowded teeth can force dental displacement causing the appearance of diastema.

Thumb sucking and other habits

Oral habits such as thumb sucking, prolonged use of pacifiers or pacifiers, among others; They generate pressure on the teeth, causing them to move from place and making room for the dental diastema.

Missing teeth or small teeth

Having teeth smaller than normal or having lost one or more teeth are also frequent factors in displacement and dental separation.

Abnormal growth of the jaw

The abnormal growth of the jaw can affect the way the teeth are located in the mouth, leading the person to manifest a dental gap.

Causes of Diastema

Diastemas usually present for any of these causes:

  • Hyperdeveloped labial and lingual frenulum. Very rarely it happens that the very short lingual frenulum produces the presence of diastema in the lower incisors; otherwise, the upper labial frenulum that frequently displaces the upper incisors to both sides, causing separation.
  • Very broad upper jaw bone. When the bone and the teeth do not present the same proportion, it is normal for the teeth to separate along the maxilla and to produce several diastemas in series.
  • Very small second incisors. The largest incisors will try to move to occupy the space that exists in relation to those that follow (lateral incisors); this creates space between them and a classic diastema in the central incisors.

Diastema Considerations and Alternatives

Diastema in Children

By themselves, diastemas are not usually a problem beyond the aesthetic aspect, so some people choose to keep them without any problem. However, when you want to correct the gap, there are several alternatives to consider depending on the case:

  • Your specialist will indicate the appropriate fixed orthodontic treatment to progressively correct the gap between your teeth; remembering that there are several types of brackets and aligner systems (Invisalign) that can be applied in these cases.

Even if the diastemas do not imply by themselves a problem for the health of your mouth; It should be remembered that oral hygiene must be done carefully.

  • When the cause has to do with the frenulum, there is a specialist (Periodontologist) who can carry out a surgical procedure to cut the tissue and improve flexibility. This intervention is called frenectomy and when it is performed in children, the teeth normally return to their position without any other type of intervention; but if the surgery is performed in an adult, it must be complemented with some type of orthodontic treatment.
  • The application of dental veneers; Porcelain pieces that adhere to the external part of the tooth, improving its shape, color and proportions. They are an aesthetic element that can also be combined with a previous orthodontic treatment to guarantee better results.

Even if the diastemas do not imply by themselves a problem for the health of your mouth; It should be remembered that oral hygiene must be carried out carefully to minimize the possible appearance of periodontal problems or cavities due to the accumulation of residues in the interdental spaces. In the same way, the periodic visit to the office should be maintained for your routine check-ups or follow-up of your treatment if necessary.

Diagnosis of Dental Diastema

A dental gap can be diagnosed through a physical exam and dental x-rays to determine the size and location of the gap. In some cases, other additional tests may be performed, such as: CT scans or MRIs, to evaluate the dental and jaw structure, helping to rule out more serious conditions that may be related to the dental gap.

Treatment Options for Tooth Diastema

The treatments available for dental diastema are the following:


A common treatment for dental gap is orthodontics, in which dental appliances are used to close the gap between the teeth. These devices can be brackets, invisible aligners or fixed retainers.

Dental veneers

Dental veneers are an option to close the gap without the need for orthodontics. It is a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin, which is placed on the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance.

dental crowns

Dental crowns may be an alternative if the gap is due to small or worn teeth. Crowns cover the entire tooth, including the gap, to improve appearance and functionality.

Dental implants

If the gap is due to a missing tooth, dental implants may be advisable to replace the missing tooth and close the gap.

How to treat Diastema

Aesthetic and Psychological Impact of Dental Diastema

Dental diastema, also known as separation between the front teeth, can affect the aesthetic perception of the smile, creating insecurities regarding dental appearance.

This condition can have a significant impact on people's self-esteem and confidence, as smiling is an important aspect of personal and social image.

Modern Diastema Correction Methods

Currently, there are various options to correct dental diastema. These include advanced orthodontics, which includes treatments with clear aligners, and cosmetic procedures such as dental veneers.

These modern techniques and technologies offer effective and aesthetic solutions to correct diastema in a personalized and satisfactory way.

Dental Care and Post-Treatment Maintenance

After receiving treatment for dental diastema, it is essential to follow best dental care practices. This includes: proper oral hygiene, brushing and flossing, regular visits to the dentist for evaluation and cleaning, and compliance with the orthodontist's instructions, which in some cases involves the use of retention devices to maintain long-term results. term.

Success Stories and Patient Testimonials

based on 13 reviews
Daniela Ayleen Palacios Casasola
Daniela Ayleen Palacios Casasola
Excellent service and very good professionals
Nikary Andreve
Nikary Andreve
The best orthodontist in Panama
Marianela Graf
Marianela Graf
Excellent Service from the staff, specialists, organization and hygiene of the Clinic....👏👏👏👏
monica baiz
monica baiz
100% recommended, the attention and facilities are incredible. My children love their dentists' drinks. They are the best.
Jose Delvalle
Jose Delvalle
Excellent service from the staff, very professional and they make sure to apply biosecurity measures.
Carle Dugarte
Carle Dugarte
Excellent professional, with mystique and vocation, with the most advanced orthodontic treatments! My admiration and respect!
Abraham Herrera
Abraham Herrera
Good Treatment, Experience, Good Biosafety Protocols in these moments that are most needed, Security that your Treatment is going to work.

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