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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
(+507) 263-0200

COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

Dental malocclusion: Symptoms and treatment

Dental malocclusion is a common problem in the population, which affects a large number of people of all ages around the world.

What is dental malocclusion?

Dental malocclusion refers to poor alignment of the teeth and jaw, which can affect the way the upper and lower teeth fit together.

Normally, the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth, this allows for effective chewing and an equal distribution of chewing forces.

However, in cases of malocclusion, forces can be distributed unevenly, causing abnormal tooth wear, crown fractures, and tooth loosening over time.

Causes of dental malocclusion

Among the main causes of dental malocclusion we can mention:


Size mismatch between the jaw and teeth.


Habits such as thumb sucking or sticking out the tongue.


Loss of teeth.


Congenital defects of the jaw.

Causes of dental malocclusion

Types of malocclusion


Class I malocclusion

The upper and lower teeth overlap slightly, but are aligned correctly in relation to the jaw.


Class II malocclusion

Also known as an overbite, the upper teeth significantly overlap the lower teeth, while the jaw may be displaced backwards.


Class III malocclusion

Also known as prognathism, the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth and the jaw is displaced forward.


open malocclusion

There is a space between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed.


Cross malocclusion

The upper and lower teeth do not align properly when the mouth is closed, resulting in a crossbite.


Malocclusion of crowded teeth

The teeth are crowded and do not have enough room for proper alignment.

Misaligned teeth? Do not wait more!

Dr. Trejos can help you correct dental malocclusion. Request a consultation right now.

Diagnostic Process

The diagnosis of dental malocclusion is usually made through a clinical evaluation by the orthodontist. The diagnosis process usually goes through the following stages:


Clinic history:

The dental health professional collects information about the patient's symptoms and medical history.


Physical exam:

A physical examination of the mouth, teeth, and jaw will be performed to evaluate the alignment, bite, and position of the teeth.



Dental x-rays can be used to obtain images of the teeth, jaw, and surrounding bone structures. These detailed images help evaluate the malocclusion and determine the best treatment approach.


Dental models:

In some cases, impressions of the teeth can be taken to create three-dimensional dental models. These models allow for a more accurate assessment of malocclusion and aid in treatment planning.


Bite analysis:

Additional tests may be performed to evaluate how the upper and lower teeth fit together, such as using carbon paper to record contact points and bite force distribution.

Treatments for dental malocclusion

Treatments for dental malocclusion

Treatment of dental malocclusion depends on the type and severity of the malocclusion. Some of the common treatments may include:



The use of orthodontic appliances such as braces or clear aligners is very effective in correcting the alignment of the teeth and jaw.


dental extractions

In some cases, teeth may need to be extracted to create space and allow for proper alignment.


Orthognathic surgery

In more severe cases of malocclusion, surgery may be necessary to correct the position of the jaw.


Use of maxillary orthopedic devices

These devices are used in growing patients to correct underlying skeletal problems that contribute to malocclusion.

Don't let dental malocclusion get worse and more evident!

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Trejos for a diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

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