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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
(+507) 263-0200

COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

Dental remineralization treatment

Over the years, dentistry has ventured into new areas of research, in favor of the patient's oral health. Dental remineralization is a preventive and innovative treatment that helps strengthen teeth to prevent damage and premature loss.

What is dental remineralization?

Basically, it is a minimally invasive dental treatment, which consists of enriching the teeth with minerals. The main benefit obtained by applying a dental remineralization is to strengthen the enamel to prevent the development of cavities.

How is the dental remineralization treatment?

It is a physiological process that allows the formation and claim of mineral components to the chemical composition of the tooth.

One of its initial steps is to reverse the demineralization process caused by the acid that develops inside the mouth. In particular, saliva is a fundamental component in this balance of neutralization.

Secondly, by promoting the use of fluoride both in toothpaste and for consumption (in its presentation of fluoridated water); dental remineralization progressively provides a load of this element.

Remineralization is activated thanks to the buffer systems offered by salivary turnover, which strengthen the enamel by regenerating it with bicarbonate, phosphate and proteins; and neutralizing the PH of the mouth.

To carry out a dental remineralization, remineralizing ions are used, which are applied by a dentist or dentist on the dental pieces in the form of a concentrated varnish, with a high content of phosphate, calcium and fluoride.

dental remineralization treatment

When is dental remineralization necessary?

Undoubtedly, it is a technique that can be applied at any time, since its benefits are aimed at preventing dental problems.

In fact, if the dentist detects a small microscopic caries when you go to your check-up, it is very likely that he or she will recommend starting a remineralization of the dental enamel as a treatment option.

However, it is important to bear in mind that remineralization does not regenerate dental tissue that has already been destroyed by decay and only stops progress in very incipient processes.

What is the price of dental remineralization treatment in Panama?

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extraction of teeth

Benefits of dental remineralization

As we know part of the dental remineralizing process is to use and apply fluoride in various presentations, which is why we bring you the benefits and results of dental remineralization.


Increases the resistance of enamel

The application of fluoride fortifies the tooth and makes it more resistant to any aggression.


Develops an antibacterial layer

Thanks to this, the tooth is protected against the growth of bacteria that produce tartar.


Prevent cavities.

By strengthening the tooth, the advance of cavities is mitigated.


Eliminate tooth sensitivity

Stronger teeth are also less sensitive.

Price of dental remineralization treatment

If you want to know more about dental remineralization price, phases and patient eligibility; contact us.

How to avoid dental demineralization?

The treatment of the remineralization of dental enamel is a great step in the prevention of cavities and dental demineralization. That is why you should know the necessary measures to take into account to prevent any condition in our teeth:


Thorough brushing: Make a good brushing by correctly selecting a fluoride toothpaste. Also incorporate the use of dental floss into this routine to ensure that you eliminate 90% of the remains of food and accumulation of bacteria that develop bacterial plaque.


Good nutrition: Keep sugary and acidic foods away from your mouth and incorporate a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Likewise, dairy intake provides great benefits, since, in addition to containing calcium, it also provides casein; a protein that combats dental demineralization.


Correct hydration: The abundant consumption of water helps the production of saliva in our mouth. As we already mentioned, saliva is a great ally when it comes to taking care of our oral health.


Visit to the dentist: In addition to the daily and essential care offered by a regular visit to the dental office, this will help you prevent and detect many pathologies early. Remember that it is advisable to visit your dentist at least 2 times a year.


Chew gum: Sugar-free gums increase saliva production; which helps to remove food debris and maintain the natural PH of the mouth.

If you want more information about the procedure for the dental remineralization of your teeth or any other treatment, schedule an appointment and let's start together to recover the good health of your smile.

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