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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
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COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

How oral health affects sleep quality

The connection between oral health and sleep quality is deeper than we could imagine. In this blog, we will explain how oral health problems can directly impact your ability to enjoy restful sleep.

Additionally, we will address dental treatments that can contribute to improving the quality of sleep, thus providing a comprehensive vision of the importance of taking care of both oral health and a night's rest.


Relationship between oral health and sleep

Oral health and sleep quality are closely intertwined, as oral conditions can directly impact a person's ability to get a proper night's rest.

Problems like Sleep apnea and bruxism Not only do they affect oral health, but they can also cause interruptions in sleep, which in turn has repercussions on people's general well-being.


How can oral health influence sleep quality?

Oral health influences sleep quality in several ways. The presence of problems such as nocturnal bruxism and dental wear can cause interruptions in the sleeping pattern, resulting in inadequate rest and a feeling of constant fatigue.

Sleep problems related to oral health

Relationship between oral health and sleep

Sleep problems related to oral health can range from sleep apnea, which involves episodes of airway obstruction during rest, to nocturnal bruxism, which manifests as teeth grinding at night. These problems not only affect sleep quality, but can also have a negative impact on long-term oral health.


Sleep apnea and its relationship with oral health

Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. Lack of oxygen during apnea episodes contributes to dental problems such as wear and dry mouth, affecting sleep quality and overall oral health.


Nocturnal bruxism and its impact on dental health

Nocturnal bruxism (or teeth grinding during sleep) can have a significant impact on dental health. The constant rubbing and pressure exerted on the teeth causes dental wear, sensitivity and other problems that affect oral health. In addition, nocturnal bruxism can also interfere with the quality of sleep, as it causes the person to wake up repeatedly during the night.

Dental treatments to improve sleep quality

To improve sleep quality, there are several dental treatments that have been proven to be effective. These include mandibular advancement devices, which help keep the airway open during sleep, as well as mouth guards designed to prevent damage caused by nighttime bruxism.

These treatments can make a difference in a person's quality of sleep, giving them the restful rest they need to maintain optimal health.

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