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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
(+507) 263-0200

COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

Oral surgery

Oral or oral surgery refers to different surgical procedures performed by a dental health specialist to guarantee the health of your mouth.

What is oral surgery?

First of all, talking about oral surgery more than a procedure, refers to a subspecialty in the dental area that is responsible for diagnosing and providing surgical treatment for irregular diseases in the dental structure.

In particular, it is a common resource to which thousands of patients are submitted each year, by the hand of a specialist.

Oral surgery is generally performed on an outpatient basis in the office, using local anesthesia; unlike another group made up of large interventions (maxillofacial surgeries), which require the use of an operating room and general anesthesia.

When is oral surgery necessary?

Without a doubt, beyond a long list of reasons why the application of oral surgery may be necessary; what is truly interesting is the impact that is generated in the patient when it is not performed.

Some of the most frequent cases are:


badly positioned pieces


traumatized teeth


Dental implant placement


gum correction

What is oral surgery

Types of oral surgery

There are several types of oral surgery. Below, we highlight the most common:


Root canal treatments: They are applied to recover a dental piece if the pulp tissue in the center is acutely infected. Specialists use the term root canal to refer to the small canals that branch out from the center of the tooth.


Dental implants. These pieces are located by means of a complex surgical procedure, in the maxillary bones. They allow to occupy again the empty space that remains after the loss of a tooth.


Jaw repair: Maxillary surgery or orthognathic surgery is used to correct irregularities in the mouth and align the jaws; considering for this the best facial appearance.


gum graft: Also known as periodontal plastic surgery, it consists of taking a part of the donor soft tissue (it can be from the palate or from the upper part of the wisdom teeth), to use it to cover a damaged area.


Impacted wisdom teeth: Also known as included wisdom teeth, it is a condition that occurs when the tooth has not fully erupted due to some type of impediment or obstacle (a tumor, a tooth, bone or soft tissue).


Maxillofacial Surgery: It is in charge of treating interventions that affect the head and neck.

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Care after oral surgery

After a patient has undergone a surgical intervention of this type, the objective should be that they do not suffer so much discomfort and pain.

Among the post-oral surgery care, the following should be highlighted:


Cold treatment: A simple measure to help relieve pain, since it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Antibiotic treatment: They are generally indicated for a period of 7 to 10 days after the intervention. They can be requested in cases of extraction, implant placement or gum surgery.


Analgesic shots: It is indicated to reduce pain and discomfort caused by the oral surgical procedure. This likewise increases the feasibility of a more effective recovery.


Suitable foods: Hot food and drinks are not recommended. Soft foods are indicated, avoid sweets, foods with sticky textures, nuts, among others.


Dental hygiene: Although for the same day of the intervention it is contraindicated because it increases sensitivity and pain; the next day it should be done using a brush with soft bristles.


Physical activity: It is not allowed to carry out any sporting activity that involves physical effort, exposure to the sun or immersion.


Avoid smoking: Ideally, stop smoking altogether. If not, limit it for at least the first 3 days.

Types of oral surgery

Do not drink alcoholic beverages: This would greatly hinder the healing process.

Benefits of oral surgery

Oral surgery offers several benefits, among which are:


Improves aesthetics and oral health.


Returns functionality to dental pieces.


It allows to eliminate the pain and discomfort caused by dental pieces through implants.


Replaces dental pieces through implants


Corrects the bite through surgical intervention


Corrects post-traumatic facial deformities.


Increases self-esteem by complying with the aesthetic aspect

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