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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
(+507) 263-0200

COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

Dental hypoplasia: Symptoms and treatment

Dental hypoplasia is a condition that affects the formation of tooth enamel, resulting in incomplete and deficient tooth enamel. This problem can have both aesthetic and functional consequences, and is an oral health issue that needs attention and understanding.

Dental hypoplasia in Panama

Dental hypoplasia is a condition found in all parts of the world, including Panama. Although specific data on the prevalence in the country are not available, it is estimated that a small but significant percentage of the population suffers from it.

Symptoms of dental hypoplasia

Symptoms of dental hypoplasia can vary in severity and include the following:


Teeth that are abnormally small in size, irregular in shape, or yellow in color.


Tooth sensitivity.


Frequent toothaches.


Greater susceptibility to cavities and periodontal disease.

Diagnostic process

Diagnosis of dental hypoplasia is usually made through a dental examination.

The dentist may notice signs of thin (or absent) tooth enamel during a routine dental cleaning or dental checkup.

In some cases, the use of x-rays may be necessary to help confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms of dental hypoplasia

Dental Hypoplasia Treatments

Treatment for dental hypoplasia depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, the dentist may suggest the use of fluoride products to promote strengthening of tooth enamel. In more severe cases, crowns, veneers, or even tooth extraction and replacement with implants may be necessary.

Causes of dental hypoplasia

The causes of dental hypoplasia can be genetic or environmental. Genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome and Turner syndrome, can increase the risk of dental hypoplasia. Additionally, exposure to certain medications or infections during pregnancy, malnutrition, and early dental trauma can contribute to the development of this condition.

Consequences of dental hypoplasia

Dental hypoplasia can generate several consequences on the oral health of the person who suffers from it, among them we can mention:


Increased susceptibility to cavities: Thin, poor tooth enamel on teeth affected by dental hypoplasia can make them more likely to develop cavities. This is because enamel is the protective layer that helps prevent bacteria and acids from entering the teeth.


Increased tooth sensitivity: Teeth with dental hypoplasia may be more sensitive to stimuli such as hot or cold, sweet or acidic foods; causing discomfort or pain when eating or drinking certain foods.

Dental Hypoplasia Treatments

Aesthetic problems: Dental hypoplasia can affect the appearance of the teeth and, therefore, the aesthetics of the smile; since it causes the development of teeth of abnormal size, irregular shapes and with whitish or yellowish coloration.


Increased risk of periodontal disease: Dental hypoplasia increases the risk of developing periodontal disease, which is an infection of the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth. Poor tooth enamel caused by dental hypoplasia allows bacteria and debris to accumulate more easily on the teeth and gums.

Teeth with weak enamel and more sensitivity than normal?

The symptoms of dental hypoplasia will not go away on their own! Schedule an appointment with Dr. Javier Trejos and find the solution.


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