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Dr. Javier Trejos - Orthodontist In Panama

East 60 Street Mont Blanc Square, Local # 4
(+507) 263-0200

COSTA DEL ESTE, Ford Clinic, Plaza Costa del Este. (+507) 223-4742

perched teeth

Sometimes, when dental replacement occurs, the new piece does not find enough space to fit. Other times, the tooth collides with one that has not yet fallen out. These are some of the reasons for the appearance of crowded teeth or dental crowding.

What are mounted teeth?

Clugged teeth refers to dental crowding that occurs when the teeth are misaligned and crowded or crooked in the mouth. Dental crowding can be classified as primary or secondary crowding depending on the cause of its appearance.

Primary dental crowding is usually related to genetic and hereditary factors. It is influenced by dentomaxillofacial evolution, the size and shape of the teeth, the anterior overbite, functional changes, facial growth, mandibular length and width, and the position of the lower incisors.

On the other hand, secondary dental crowding is caused by environmental or behavioral factors such as: premature loss of primary teeth, bad oral habits or prolonged use of a pacifier or thumb sucking.

Mild crowding is considered when the discrepancy between the size of the teeth and the available space is minimal; moderate crowding when there is a medium discrepancy and severe crowding when the discrepancy is significant.

Why do perched teeth occur?

Mounted or perched teeth occur when the teeth do not find enough space to fit correctly within the dental arch. This can be caused by various reasons, including:

genetic conditions

genetic conditions

Hereditary traits influence the way a person's teeth erupt. A small mouth and a narrow dental arch provide little space for new teeth to fit in correctly.

Dental injuries and losses

Severe trauma to the face can cause displacement of the jaw and loss of some teeth. On the other hand, there are cavities and other periodontal diseases that can cause premature tooth loss; promoting the displacement of the rest.

Dental injuries and losses
Adoption of bad habits

Adoption of bad habits

Another cause of crooked or crooked teeth has to do with habits that were adopted during childhood. Oral breathing, thumb sucking and atypical swallowing; They can cause teeth to shift or cause jaw misalignment over time.

What to do if you think you have clogged teeth?

If you think you have loose teeth, it is recommended that you consult an orthodontist for a professional evaluation. The orthodontist will be able to examine your mouth, take x-rays, and determine if your dental crowding is severe or mild. Based on this, they will be able to recommend the most appropriate treatment for your situation.

What appliance is
suits my needs?

Schedule your appointment and clarify all your concerns regarding any of the systems

How are crooked teeth corrected?

Orthodontic treatments are the main method to correct both primary and secondary dental crowding. Currently, there are different systems that you can choose from depending on your preferences, budget, and the guidance of your orthodontist.

Some types of braces used for perched teeth are:


Conventional orthodontics (metal braces).


Aesthetic orthodontics (sapphire or ceramic).


Lingual orthodontics.


Orthodontics with transparent aligners (Invisalign).

All these orthodontic appliances offer great chances of success thanks to their proven effectiveness; Therefore, the choice of one or the other is based mainly on the method that the specialist considers personally, and the aesthetic aspects that the patient considers relevant.

Although treatment can be started at any age, the ideal approach time is during the first few years; to the extent that dental replacement occurs in children. In these cases, you can also choose between different types of devices; but you must wait around 12 years to place fixed orthodontic appliances.

Tooth extractions are also an option to prevent crowding in some cases. If there is a lack of space in the mouth to properly accommodate the teeth (canines, incisors, molars, wisdom teeth, etc.), the orthodontist may recommend removing one or more teeth to create space and allow the other teeth to settle. align correctly.

At the same time, there are other equally effective methods to help straighten teeth that show minor imperfections in adults; such is the case of dental veneers and crowns.

Learn about the orthodontic treatment that suits your needs

What are the consequences of not correcting crooked teeth in time?

From the moment the replacement stage is completed; Crowded teeth can cause mild or severe dental health problems, which it is recommended to avoid by applying orthodontic treatment. Among them the following stand out:


Problems carrying out a correct dental hygiene routine

Dental crowding makes brushing difficult; and sometimes this causes debris to build up between hard-to-reach teeth which can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease (gingivitis/periodontitis) over time.


Alteration of the aesthetics of the smile

Crooked teeth not only disfigure the smile that is our best letter of introduction; they also cause self-esteem and insecurity problems.


premature tooth wear

Likewise, it is important to know that the teeth have a specific distribution that allows them to fit together so as not to affect each other (upper dental arch vs. lower arch). When a person has crooked teeth, the rubbing that occurs can cause severe wear and damage to one or more teeth.

In our service we are characterized by carrying out a complete dental evaluation, which allows us to make a correct diagnosis of each patient's situation and offer appropriate solutions for their dental health.

If you have crooked teeth or just a slight deviation that you would like to improve; Come to the office and we can surely help you.

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